Friday, June 12, 2009

Stupid people upset me

This week in the daily universe, the byu newspaper, there was a letter to the editor about modesty. The person writing the letter was of the opinion that byu should use uniforms and somehow this would magically fix all modesty problems. yeah. anyone else see that this would not in fact fix the modesty issue at byu? has this person never seen gossip girl? even though the kids of the upper east side have to wear uniforms they change them so they barely resemble the uniforms they started out as. and yes, i realize i just used gossip girl to back up my opinion. it is fine. the real issue is that the modesty rules are not ENFORCED. and until they are people are just going to keep dressing immodestly and breaking the honor code. trying to impose stricter rules is not going to fix anything. if people are breaking the rules we have now, why wouldn't they break different ones?

another letter to the editor talked about how the video games in the basement of the wilk in the bowling alley should be taken out as they depict killing LARGE game animals and this is just wrong because it is wrong to kill animals. the author then presented several examples of general authorities talking about killing SMALL animals, like birds. yeah, he was ridiculous. killing large animals for hunting and killing small animals for no reason are two completely different things! C'mon! it was during my lunch break, while everyone was reading the newspaper and discussing this particular letter that everyone discovered i own a rifle.

so people, please don't be stupid. or you will upset me. k, thanks.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Today, my girlfriend asked me if I was thinking aout marriage. I did not want to answer, so I tried to chew it over with twix. Time did not stop, and I ate it awkwardly. She just stared. MLIA

Today, my grandpa told me he had alzheimers. I've known about it for two years. MLIA

Today, I took a quiz on Facebook and it told me I am actually black. I looked at my skin and I was still white. MLIA

Today, I rode a plane home. There were no snakes on it. MLIA

Today, I was at the store and the store clerk said "If you need anything, I'm Jen." I didn't need anything. She was still Jen. MLIA.

Today, I decided to tan on the balcony. I took my top off and my neighbor came out and saw me. He's a guy. So am I. We greeted each other. MLIA

Today a Japanese person spoke to me in Japanese, but I don't speak Japanese. So I said "I don't speak Japanese". MLIA

Today I installed a program and it asked if I had read and agreed to the terms and conditions. I hadn't, but I clicked 'yes' anyway. The program didn't know I lied, and began to install. MLIA.