A CAT!!?!?
i kid you not. i was walking past the duck pond south of campus today and there were a few couples here and there (since, of course, a duck pond is such a hot spot for couples to go and have a romantic moment...i am proud to say that i have not had any romantic moments at the duck pond). one couple was feeding the ducks, another was just walking around, and another couple was walking their dog.
or so i thought.
the more i watched the little light brown dog, the more i realized how un-dog-like it seemed. it just kind of sat there, on a leash, in between some of these trees. and the fact that it kept staring up one of the trees really confused me. i mean, dogs don't look up trees. they pee on trees.
then the 'dog' decided that it wanted to try and climb the tree. that was when i realized that this was no dog. it was a freaking CAT. on a LEASH. this couple was taking their cat for a walk!
seriously people? SERIOUSLY? its a stinking cat. putting a cat on a leash is like eating sunscreen. you just don't do it!