Saturday, July 5, 2008

Family Fun?

I am blessed enough to be in the tiny town of Ely, Nevada this weekend for a fun filled time with my family. Or that is what I thought was going to happen. So far most of the family has been offended by one comment or another, my siblings are slightly getting on my nerves, my youngest cousin who is nine acts like the spawn of satan and no one is really getting along, at all. Good times. Love the family. And this is all within 24 hours of being together. 2 more days to go and not enough drugs in the world to make it better.

I would also like to comment on Sarah's most recent post. Miley Cyrus is a confused young women who has probably not had the best role models in her life and whose father most likely isn't helping in raising her to be a fine upstanding citizen, as most of our parents raised us to be. So I know that I am kind of the pot calling the kettle black, I think that it is not our place to judge her for her misguided attempts at gaining approval of the society, as society in which super thin models and trashy girls gain the most attention. yeah, I don't know where that came from but there you go.

Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully a better one that is not filled with so many family activities. Also my dad and favorite brother are coming to Ely tomorrow so hopefully that will also provide relief and grant me with some sanity. Hopefully.

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