Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i'm LOST

yes, its true. i've gone and gotten myself addicted to LOST. i have effectively doomed myself to spending any and all free time i have to laying around in my bed, catching up on all the old seasons. i started watching season 1 last week and am about four episodes away from finishing it. holy crap.

its a good show. i really like all of the characters. but some of the episodes really creep me out for some reason. supernatural stuff scares the living daylights out of me. especially supernatural stuff on an island that you can't get away from. um, hello, creepy!? i think so. i can't bring myself to stop watching it though. i am addicted after all.

also, i am in love with matthew fox's character. jack shepherd. mmmmm. :]

and evangeline lilly is GORGEOUS.
and its nice to see dominic monaghan as something other than a hobbit.


Laura said...

Haha I need to quit getting addicted to tv shows! that is how I spend all of my free time and it is probably so bad. I have not gotten hooked to lost yet, but Im sure I will... and I agree that Jack Sheperd is mmmmmmmmmmmm : ]

Valerie said...

I quit thinking Sayid was cute when I realized his fingernails look like a girls. Yuck!

Caroline said...

matthew fox is also quite attractive in "we are marshall." watch it. it's good.

Molly M. said...

Thought you might want to see this: