Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why I hate illegal aliens....

So I decided to take a day off from life today, meaning I didn't go to class. Probably not the best idea, but necessary every once in awhile. So after I slept in and watched a couple of episode of Lost (yes i have started watching that, and no, I don't want to talk about it) I decided that my house is kind of disgusting. It needed some major attention. So I rolled up my pajama pants and busted out the cleaning supplies. And the only room that got cleaned was the bathroom. But that is a dang clean bathroom. But you might be wondering what this has to do with illegal aliens. I am getting there. In the middle of my cleaning spree I got a phone call from my mom asking me for my social security number. Long story short there is an illegal alien in California that is trying to use my social security number to get a drivers license. WHAT THE HELL. Go back to Mexico and leave me alone! Let's just say I was ticked. So now I have to call this guy that is investigating the situation and answer questions proving that I don't know this "Miguel" character. fantastic. So that folks, is why I am not a fan of illegal aliens. Okay, maybe that's not the only reason, but that is a discussion for another day.

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