Monday, March 9, 2009


This week very well may be the death of me. I am so stressed out and I have so much to do. Not good. It took me about 2 hours to get to sleep last night and then once I got to sleep I had stressful dreams. I dreamed that I was at home in Az and I was packing to come back to Utah. But no matter what I did I could not pack in time to make it to the airport for my flight. I was running around my house trying to gather all my stuff and I couldn't beat the clock. I was so anxious and that did not help me sleep at all. So basically I am really tired and have a ton of crap to do today. Oh joy. Also I hate secrets. This is a lie. But they can also be stressful. Especially when you want to be able to tell people or talk to people about it but you can't just yet. Timing is everything. But in the meantime I have to constantly watch what I say around people and it gets hard. Particularly when some people know and others don't. So you have to remember who knows and who doesn't. Yeah, frustrating.
In happy news I got to hang out with some friends from high school last night and it was amazing! Jenna had her birthday party last night and it was so good. I got to see Willi and Kylie and Jenna and I have not seen them in a ling time. It was nice to reminisce about our high school adventures. We also came up with two words to describe each of us and I think that was my favorite part of the evening. We decided that Jaimie is a ridiculous punk and the words chosen for me were compassionately feisty... yeah I'll take it! Anyway, life is good regardless of how stressed I am. I have some decisions to make here pretty soon and I don't want to.


ginger said...

I like this post. I don't like that you're stressed but I feel like I got a legit glimpse into your life. Also, secrets are fun, but not fun when you have to watch yourself all the time. Secrets are the funnest if you only have to keep them secret for a little while. You are amazing and I love you and your life.

Laura said...


Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me. It definitely would not have been the same with out you. You have no idea how excited I was when I found out you were coming to my birhtday dinner. There is not many people I can say that about, but you are one of them!! haha I love you so much and I'm sorry you're stressed. I will come visit you soon... I promise.