Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sarah posting all these sad sad things makes me sad. I am in Provo away from my 2 best friends for the longest amount of time since I have known them. And I am kind of lonely. But Sarah's right, 4 months away will be just what we need so we don't kill each other in the fall.
My new ward is... old. there is no other way to put it. I am a baby to these people and that makes me feel a little awkward. I have a meeting with my bishop tonight and I really don't want to go. I hope it won't be hard to make friends but I am not very hopeful. I like change, after the fact. So maybe I can look at this summer semester and be happy with this move and the decision to stay in provo, but right now it makes me sad. I would love to be in Arizona, soaking up the sun and anxiously anticipating the arrival of my brother from the Ukraine in 14 days and playing with my friends and family. But here I am working at a job that is not that great with no friends. This may be the longest 4 months of my life.

Monday, April 28, 2008

homesick for provo?

i didn't think it was possible, but i actually am homesick for somewhere that isn't my real home and for people that aren't my real family. but yet, in a way, provo is my home and these people are my family. i've lived in provo for the past 10 months (with the exception of two 2-week breaks) and i love these people and have been with them through thick and thin. being away for four months is definitely going to be a struggle (as i have been blessed enough to discover these past couple days), but i think it will be good for all of us (well, the girls at least, since the guys are all going to be gone for the next two years...sad, sad day). besides, i'll be visiting provo for a couple days this summer, and i'll see three or four of those people that i love the most. so even though i sometimes feel like i'm suffocating and all alone out here, this summer won't be a total waste. :]


Thursday, April 24, 2008


i don't want to leave.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

greetings blog world.

this is sarah, reporting for duty. i've been shirking in my blogging responsibilities, but here i am now, so all is well in the world. let the games begin.

5 things i love:
-rainy sundays
-f22 fighter planes
-blind date
-orbit sweetmint gum

4 things i hate:
-hannah montana
-the utah poof
-going to the dentist

3 words that describe me:

2 things that i want right this very second:
-a time machine
-patrick dempsey

1 wish:
-that my hair didn't have a mind of its own.

Monday, April 21, 2008

New Beginnings

So I (Marci) have been thinking about life a lot recently. To the point that it is consuming my life. Out of control basically. Yet kind of fitting for what is going on. I am coming to the end of a semester, and all of my BYU friends are leaving me. The boys are headed to various places throughout the world to spread the gospel for 2 years while all my girl friends are heading back to their respective states to spend their summers working and making money and spending time with their families. And me? I'm staying in the bubble known as Provo, Utah... yeah sounds like the best summer ever doesn't it... okay maybe not. So obviously I'm not thrilled with the prospect of 4 months in the bubble without my 2 best friends. But I did get a job today, so things are starting to look up. And I am moving on saturday to the cutest apartment. okay it isn't the cutest apartment, but it is a whole lot better than the prison cell I currently occupy. And while I am going to miss my friends, let's be honest. I need my space and time away. That is the only way I will be able to truly appreciate them. And as Payton from One Tree Hill likes to remind the world, people always leave. It is a vicious cycle. Sometimes they come back and other times, well I think you know. Okay so maybe a summer in Provo isn't going to be the worst thing ever. My brother and sister will even be up here so I will get to spend time with them. And this is how I decided that a summer Provo would be the best thing in my life right now. And I also decided that life isn't as bad as I sometimes think. And I also decided this is the beginning of a new Marci. I am getting a fresh start. i am moving to a new apartment, I am getting a new job and I get to make all new friends, in an all new ward. And the weather is bright and warm. This is going to be my best summer yet!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things:

(in no particular order, and 19 to be exact since that's how old I am!)
1. Warm weather, which I have not experienced in far too long
2. Sarah's Earnestly Chocolate milkshakes
3. Sleeping
4. Crandall's fake accent
5. Crandall's unnecessary swearing
6. Leaving Provo on weekends
7. Eating
8. Best friends
9. Secrets
10. Scandals
11. Girl's nights
12. Grey's Anatomy, my newest obsession
13. Patrick Dempsey, my future husband
14. Penn Badgley, my other future husband, I can have more than one right?
15. Summer, which needs to hurry up and get here
16. Prison Break, mostly for Wentworth. I'll marry him too.
17. Qualities dance parties
18. Lazy days
19. Funf wars :)