Monday, April 28, 2008

homesick for provo?

i didn't think it was possible, but i actually am homesick for somewhere that isn't my real home and for people that aren't my real family. but yet, in a way, provo is my home and these people are my family. i've lived in provo for the past 10 months (with the exception of two 2-week breaks) and i love these people and have been with them through thick and thin. being away for four months is definitely going to be a struggle (as i have been blessed enough to discover these past couple days), but i think it will be good for all of us (well, the girls at least, since the guys are all going to be gone for the next two years...sad, sad day). besides, i'll be visiting provo for a couple days this summer, and i'll see three or four of those people that i love the most. so even though i sometimes feel like i'm suffocating and all alone out here, this summer won't be a total waste. :]


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