Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things:

(in no particular order, and 19 to be exact since that's how old I am!)
1. Warm weather, which I have not experienced in far too long
2. Sarah's Earnestly Chocolate milkshakes
3. Sleeping
4. Crandall's fake accent
5. Crandall's unnecessary swearing
6. Leaving Provo on weekends
7. Eating
8. Best friends
9. Secrets
10. Scandals
11. Girl's nights
12. Grey's Anatomy, my newest obsession
13. Patrick Dempsey, my future husband
14. Penn Badgley, my other future husband, I can have more than one right?
15. Summer, which needs to hurry up and get here
16. Prison Break, mostly for Wentworth. I'll marry him too.
17. Qualities dance parties
18. Lazy days
19. Funf wars :)

1 comment:

Megs said...

Scandals, hmmmmmm...