Saturday, August 23, 2008

More Adventures in Sam's Club

Day 2
I am jealous of the cell phone people because they have internet. Dumb. I can see it, but can’t have it. So close yet so far away. There are also a bunch of computers to my right, but none of them have internet. Dumb times 2. And I think I convinced a lady to buy a mac. She will lead a better life because of it.
I used the bathroom at sam’s today and it was disgusting. I wonder if they ever clean that place. But this small fact of the bathroom being sick made me not so surprised when I was almost all the way back to my kiosk when I finally realized I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe. All I could do was laugh. Does that seriously happen? I thought that only happened in movies or tv shows or something. I want to see documented cases where this has actually happened in real life. And I want to know why it is so embarrassing. It is not my fault the bathroom floor is littered with toilet paper and goodness knows what to make it stick to my shoe. It grossed me out more than embarrassed me. This little incident, however, gave me hope and made me think that maybe my life is a comedy and not a tragedy. (Reference to Stranger Than Fiction for those of you who didn’t get that) And who doesn’t need some humor in their life? I sure do.

Also a favorite person I watched today. A lady, a normal customer, trying to pull a vacuum off of a high shelf… Uh don’t they have those in boxes on the floor for a reason…

Also a little girl probably about 9 years of age came up and felt the need to inform me that she had lost her mother. Okay great kid, I don’t work here. As I started walking around with her, trying desperately to find any one of the thousands of employees who had previously been swarming my kiosk, she started wandering from me. As she came back towards me I wondered aloud if that was how she had gotten lost. She said no and informed me that her mothers name was nursie… I stared at her, speechless. I couldn’t find an employee soon enough.

My Adventures in Sam's Club

Here I am standing at a little podium in Sam’s Club, bored out of my mind. I am working for one for my dad’s clients for the next couple days selling artwork. Woohoo. The pieces are absolutely stunning and I am trying to decide which one I want. But it is slow and people are not always very friendly. I don’t care if they buy something or not; I am simply trying to be helpful, so when I ask if you have any questions don’t give me attitude. Simply smile and return my warmth and kindness. Please.

Favorite customer:
‘Do you guys have the Mexico City temple?’
‘Why not, do you think it is only for whites?’
Pointing at a picture we have on display of Christ:
“Even Jesus is white, and he isn’t even really white, he’s jewish.”

The people that shop at Sam’s are classy. Another favorite customer was one who, when I told him the price of one of the piece he asked, “What’s the poor farmer discount?”
I could only stare.

oh dear heavens

tell me it isn't so.


Friday, August 15, 2008

easily the best week of my life

sometimes, i just wish i could stop time and make something last a whole lot longer than it actually does. and if i actually could, this week would have lasted forever.

k, so here's a rundown of what happened.
saturday night around, ohh, 11:20 pm: picked cody up from the airport with mom and jackson. i was so happy to see him i just couldn't stop smiling.

sunday: we went to church and heard a phenomenal musical number by caroline and robbie bullough. caroline was generous enough to fill in for me in primary, so cody and i went to sunday school together and then split up for the last hour. went home and went over to potter's bridge and the trail, just to show him around and let him see the noblesville landmark that anyone from out of town has to see.

we went back for sunday dinner with the fam, then sat around for awhile, watching the olympics and then caroline came over to hang out since she was leaving the next day for utah. so, we sat around (while my worlds collided) and watched some more olympics, then made cody bust out the dvd of his high school's performance of oklahoma so that we could watch his solo part. he is actually quite musically inclined, and even though i'd already seen it, it was still fun to watch. :]

monday: went and picked cody up from a family in the ward's house (where he was staying for the duration of his visit) and sat around the house for awhile, watching the olympics and such. then we ran to wal-mart to get a few things and ventured out to the new mall in noblesville to see the batman movie in the imax theater. it was definitely worth the $12.50 admission. then we headed back to the house because cody had a 4:20 tee time for a golf outing with my dad (cody just LOVES to golf...which is the understatement of the century). and my dad beat him this time, although to be fair, cody did have a few disadvantages.

tuesday: we got free tickets to the state fair from the newspaper and headed down there to see what kind of things they had deep fried this year. i had been to the state fair once, two summers ago, so i had kind of forgotten about some of it. we wandered around, rode the ferris wheel, looked at some cows and horses, and ate plenty of unhealthy fair food. i had almost an entire elephant ear and cody was bold enough to try deep-fried pepsi (welcome to the indiana state fair). he described it as "donut holes with pepsi sprayed on them."

on the ferris wheel

view of some of the fair from the ferris wheel

deep-fried pepsi

wednesday: the big day! since we had nothing else really to do, today ended up being the day that i took cody for his first steak n shake experience. it went pretty well. he went with the classic steak n shake meal (double steakburger, two sides, and a shake) while i went for the frisco melt platter. mmm...yummy yummy. i think that he enjoyed it, which definitely made me happy. after, we went over and wandered around the sporting goods store in town so that cody could drool over the golf clubs and hockey sticks.

we headed back home and mom put us to work and had us make the traditional first day of school cookies. peanut butter chocolate chip this year. they turned out to be the best cookies in the history of ever. i mean, how could they not be? WE made them :]. plus, we jammed out to christmas music as we made them. later, for dinner, mom ordered pizza and we took it over and had a picnic at morse beach.

thursday: after discovering the previous day that the actual batmobile from the new batman movies was at the indianapolis children's museum, there was no question what we would be doing this day. mom somehow managed to score discount tickets through AAA, so cody and i piled into little red (my car) and headed down to indy. we got there, ate lunch, and immediately headed for the batmobile. cody drooled over it for awhile and we took a couple pictures, then went to wander around the rest of the museum. we went back once, for a demo or something about the actual car, and then once more to take pictures since there had been kids in the way the first time.

so then we headed out and after a bit of 'exploring' indianapolis, we went to the indianapolis motor speedway museum since i guess thats a necessary stop for everyone that comes to indiana from out of state. so we went in and oohed and aahed over all the cars and took pictures (of course).

then we headed home and sat around for awhile, then headed over to the city park and just walked and talked for awhile, then sat and talked for awhile. then at midnight, i took him over to the house he was staying at, but the door was locked and neither of us wanted to knock on the door, so he just came back and crashed on our couch for the night. then his flight left around noon today and i've missed him ever since. all in all, definitely the best week ever. :]


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Life is beautiful, and funny

Wow. So my life is fascinating, at least to me right now. There have been so many little things occurring in my life that I just have to laugh at. Otherwise I might cry. So I am taking the laughing at them approach. Best part is that they all revolve around work. Understandably so, since that is all I do with my life during the summer.

The first incident involves a boy at work. I may have a crush on this boy and I may have told him this. And he may have gotten a girlfriend over the past weekend. Please laugh with me.

Second incident involves another boy but in a different way. It also involves a girl I work with and her need for drama. There is a girl that I work with who happens to live by me, so I use to get rides with her to work. This is very kind of her and I am very appreciative of her. Then there is this boy at work that she grew up with, who she is basically in love with and who happens to be one of my good friends at the bindery. So apparently she hates me, and me and all my friends at the bindery think it is because I am friends with this boy. She claims it is because I am fake and I only use her for rides. She also told this boy that I am in love with aforementioned boy from work and so I was just using my guy friend to get to this other guy. Obviously if I am good enough friends with a boy to tell him I like him, I don't really need a middle man, but whatevs. So this girl hates me because she thinks I am using this boy and she is just jealous that I am friends with him. And this boy can't stand this girl. It is quite the situation and I don't really understand how I get put in these situations but yeah. Please laugh with me once again.

I also want to mention that my best friend in the whole world is kind of hooking it up with a boy right now, which I totally should have expected because our love lives are inversely related. If she has a boy in her life and things are going well, then my boy situation is not existent. And it is the same for her. Hopefully we grow out of this inverse relationship soon.

My roommates are moving out soon, and I am sad to see them go. But one of my best friends will be moving in with me and I am excited for this and ready for a change in my life. As sad as this sounds, I am ready or summer to end. I am ready for things to progress. I feel stagnant and I need something to spice my life up. Maybe lake powell will do the trick. 15 days and counting.

Also I must mention that I am reading Breaking Dawn and I am undecided how I feel about it. There are some things in it that make me very unhappy. And not really anything that makes me feel very happy....

Monday, August 11, 2008


yay! so cody is here, and has been since about 11:30 pm. on saturday night. and it has been completely wonderful so far, but i'll talk more about that some other time. so cody went golfing with my dad about 45 minutes ago and i suddenly find that i have nothing to do, so i found this on chelli's blog and figured it would kill sometime before cody gets back. :]

Mosaic Meme:

FIRST: Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.

NEXT: Using only the first page, pick an image.

THEN:Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into mosaic maker.

Hint: I had a hard time uploading my mosiac to Blogger. I saved it to my Flickr acct., but the URL wouldn't work on Blogger (don't know why). I did a right click on the creation, clicked on "properties" and then used the URL that popped up there (it was different). I'm not computer savvy, so I'm not sure why this was different, but it worked! I was glad!!

The Questions:

1. What is your first name?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. What high school did you go to?

4. What is your favorite color?

5. Who is your celebrity crush?

6. Favorite drink?

7. Dream vacation?

8. Favorite dessert?

9. What you want to be when you grow up?

10. What do you love most in life?

11. One word to describe you.

12. Your flickr name. (kid version: favorite animal?)


Thursday, August 7, 2008

I never realized it...

but timing is so important in life. And the Lord's timing is perfect. I keep telling myself this but it really just doesn't want to stick.

Monday, August 4, 2008

i'm a pretty harsh critic sometimes

but really. breaking dawn is getting kind of ridiculous and i'm not even finished with it. i would complain about certain parts but my blogging buddy hasn't quite gotten as far, so once she gets farther into it, i'll holler back at you all.

remember the third pirates of the caribbean movie, how they had to throw in a bunch of crap to tie up all of those loose story ends? and how it just kept getting more and more far-fetched, yet its still one of the movies that you kind of have to like just because of all the mindless action and the really really good soundtrack? well, to me, breaking dawn is like this, except i hate it through and through because there isn't a good soundtrack and there isn't mindless action. there's just mindless nonsense.

the twilight series used to be something i really enjoyed, but since they're doing a craptastic job on the movie and the end to the books is turning out to be an epic fail, they've pretty much lost any of the magic i still saw in them (i kind of outgrew the whole rabid obsessed edward cullen fangirl stage a couple months ago when something better came along ;] ).

but now that i've ranted and raved enough for about three people, i would just like to say that

also, weird, but i'm going to be back in provo in like 11 days? holy cow. where has the summer gone?