but really. breaking dawn is getting kind of ridiculous and i'm not even finished with it. i would complain about certain parts but my blogging buddy hasn't quite gotten as far, so once she gets farther into it, i'll holler back at you all.
remember the third pirates of the caribbean movie, how they had to throw in a bunch of crap to tie up all of those loose story ends? and how it just kept getting more and more far-fetched, yet its still one of the movies that you kind of have to like just because of all the mindless action and the really really good soundtrack? well, to me, breaking dawn is like this, except i hate it through and through because there isn't a good soundtrack and there isn't mindless action. there's just mindless nonsense.
the twilight series used to be something i really enjoyed, but since they're doing a craptastic job on the movie and the end to the books is turning out to be an epic fail, they've pretty much lost any of the magic i still saw in them (i kind of outgrew the whole rabid obsessed edward cullen fangirl stage a couple months ago when something better came along ;] ).
but now that i've ranted and raved enough for about three people, i would just like to say that
also, weird, but i'm going to be back in provo in like 11 days? holy cow. where has the summer gone?
Thank you for not complaining about specific parts, i really really appreciate it, although I already know about some of the things that happen as kendra really really wanted to tell me what happened and I didn't care if she told me. and I can't wait until you come back to P-town. when you get in you can come tour the bindery. it will be magical :)
Still don't have the book. I preordered on Amazon and it will be here on the 6th (tomorrow.) Aly is torked at me for being so stupid when I bought it, especially because as we walk through walmart there are a ton of copies sitting around waiting for her to read...
Patience is a virtue, isn't it!?!
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