Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i'm becoming a blog addict

Stole this from Aunt Chelli's blog:

The rules are:
1. Go to your pictures.
2. Upload 4th picture from 4th folder.
3. Post.
4. Tag 4 friends

ahaha. this is the first picture i got from cody from his mission. charming, isn't he?

also stealing this idea from aunt chelli (i'm so not creative, i know), but i tag anyone who reads this. that includes you, marci. :]


Sunday, October 26, 2008

best thing ever

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Friday, October 24, 2008

i love fridays.

well, i did it. i survived the first month of cody's mission. and so did he. haha. only 23 more!

in other news, about everyone on the byu football team came into work today (well...except for most of the big names, which was weird since fui vakapuna, harvey unga, and jan jorgensen are in on a pretty regular basis). but guess who did come in. go on, guess. austin collie and david nixon. austin collie is even more attractive in person than in his football picture. who knew that was even possible? so needless to say, i made sure that i was the one who made his jamba. it was probably the best one he's ever had.

and as for david nixon...he is definitely single and on the prowl....like pretty much everyone else at byu (except for the boring married people...and all of the mg's). there i was, just asking him if he knew what he wanted (i was working register) and he out of nowhere, he just started hitting on me. what the h!? the senior captain of the byu football team does not just go around hitting on lowly jamba employees. is there a full moon tonight or something? it was weird. and kind of flattering, but please. i don't need david nixon. i've got elder meredith. :]

halloween is in a week. look out provo, here come the spice girls.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today was drama all over the place. It all started when I got to my stats lab. There are some interesting characters in that section and apparently they are very adamant that they have a computer to sit at. My personal opinion is that most people at BYU are way too uptight and they need to loosen up. So there was basically a throw down in my stats lab. It was awesome. Then I went to work where most of the new people don't like me, so I was lonely until Guy finally showed up (Yes I have a friend whose name is Guy). Then while I was at work my sister came over to borrow my crock pot and my roommate almost didn't let her take because she thought it was my other roommate's crock pot. WTH. I was not happy. SO when I finally got home from work my roommate comes up to me and tells me that she was informed by my other roommate that my sister took her crock pot today. BS. Apparently her mom told her she bought her a crock pot, but she had never seen said crock pot. Whatevs. It is definitely my crockpot and this encounter made me not like my roommates even more. As if I needed any other reasons....
So that is the end of the drama. The rest of the day was AMAZING! When I got home and checked my email I found I had an email form one of my most favoritest people ever, Tyler Hatton. It was the BEST missionary email I have ever received. And then, the biggest news of all, I HAVE FOUND A MAJOR!!! I am so excited about this. It is Technology and Engineering Education and it is the bomb.com. If you have questions about it let me because I don't feel like explaining it right now. Just know that it is BYU's best kept secret major.

Friday, October 17, 2008


so i'm sure that any of you bloggers who know anything about the big-name blogs have heard of the Seriously So Blessed blog. and for those of you who haven't, go there now.

TAMN is my new favorite person, and i can't wait until i'm married to my own JJWT. haha, its pretty much genius. read it. please. i beg you. LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Crazy One

That is what they call me.

Apparently Sarah works with one of my roommate's really good friends... and they refer to Sarah and I as the quiet one and the crazy one. Shouldn't take much for you to figure out which one is Sarah and which one is me...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

my playlist

so, since this seems like a popular blog trend, i decided to follow the crowd and compile a list of songs that i've been listening to lately. so, um, enjoy?

i wish - skee-lo
-this wonderful piece of music was introduced to me by the one and only elder meredith (before he was 'elder' meredith, of course). it brings back fond memories of his visit to indiana this past summer and driving around ghetto indianapolis trying to figure out how to get into the dang speedway. his ipod was plugged in and he turned this song on (i had never heard it before) and sang at least the first minute, word for word. and if you know the song, you'll realize that it was quite a feat. and if the first line isn't enough to suck you in, you are hopeless. "i wish i was a little bit taller; i wish i was a baller; i wish i had a girl who looked good, i would call her." that's right. download it. now.

love story - taylor swift
-ok, so this one is kind of cliche because everyone likes this song right now, but really is a good one. taylor swift and carrie underwood are about as far i go into country music. and i didn't even really listen to taylor swift until last summer when my dorm apartment developed an obsession with 'our song.' and i've been in a fairytale, happily-ever-after, love story mood lately, so this only adds to it.

disturbia - rihanna
-halloween is coming and this is a great halloween song. also, i'm starting to really like rihanna. not sure why, though. i just do. k?

the unwinding cable car - anberlin
-i developed an obsession with anberlin, oh, last week. i had had a brief introduction to them this past summer when cody shared one of their songs with me and i was just so in love with that song, i never even thought about listening to any of their other stuff. so i did one day, and ended up buying their entire 'cities' album. and other than the song cody showed me, this one is my favorite song on the album. its just chill and i like chill.

hands on me - vanessa carlton
-i've never really been a big vanessa carlton fan. i mean, i like 'a thousand miles' as much as the next person, but i think i heard 'hands on me' at work first and really liked it. so what did i do? i went home and downloaded it, of course. it makes me miss playing the piano though. i CANNOT wait until christmas break when i can go home and play the piano as much as i want.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ok, so i caved.

after years of refraining from buying a pair, i finally broke down and bought a pair of boots. the combination of utah winters lasting from october to april and having to walk around in the snow and slush and wet and cold for seven-ish months just got me.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Love...

life. I feel like I am so blessed right now and I am so thankful for that. So here are some things I am blessed with!

1. WONDERFUL family. I love that 3 of my 4 siblings live in Provo. It makes my life so much easier and I love having that support while I am here at school.

2. AMAZING friends. Jaimie, Sarah, Andrea, Ginger, and Kate, you guys are too good to me. You are my Utah family and I don't know what I would do without you.

3. EDUCATION. I love BYU. I am not a fan of the fall/winter weather, but being here is the best. I am so lucky to attend a school where I can receive a great education and be surrounded by people who share my beliefs. And I am taking some bomb classes.
4. GREAT job. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job. It is fantastic. My boss is amazing, I have some great friends there. I love going to work, it is like taking a break from real life. I go, play with my friends, and make money. And I get to learn all sorts of cool insider things as to how things are made. It rocks.
5. GOSPEL. I am so so so blessed to have the gospel in my life. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface, and I am so excited to learn more. I could quit school and learn about the gospel (and make books) for the rest of my life and be totally content.
6. ATTITUDE. Regardless of the things that happen in my life, it has been really hard for me to feel down recently and I LOVE it. I am so satisfied with life right now and it makes me so happy, and I know that my happy attitude is not all my own doing. Someone is helping me out and I really really appreciate it.

These are not all the things I am blessed with but these are the main ones I am seeing in my life right now. Basically I am just a big fan of life right now, and I know it is because I have the gospel. Peace and love yo.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

let me just say

ok, so for a number of reasons (that are listed below), getting married is sounding better and better to me each and every day
1. my marriage prep class
2. the AMAZING talk given by Elder Nelson in the afternoon session of general conference today about celestial marriage
3. the fact i know girls my age who are getting married
4. how i saw my dream wedding colors on a mannequin at allyse's bridal yesterday

is it ok to be this excited about it?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

taken for granted

so, i've been in a very sentimental, nostalgic mood lately, and if you know me, its not like that's anything new. but its been like super strength lately. i feel like i'm on drugs that force me to think about nothing but the past. its kind of a problem. but, looking back, i've realized that i took a lot of things for granted last year. here are a few:
me and gin's bedroom
the door of hot
just sitting around on nights like this
double dates and weekends with this crew
having guy friends my own age (especially these two)
the view out my bedroom window. i know, it doesn't
look like anything special, but i just miss it-sarah

Friday, October 3, 2008

I just finished one of the worst weeks of my life. And in actuality it isn't over yet. Over the course of 5 days I took 3 midterms and wrote 2 papers. And on monday I am taking another midterm. I go to class, take notes, study, and still it seems impossible for me to do well on my tests. I don't understand this. I think it means I am stupid and that I shouldn't be at college. But that's just one theory.

Conference is this weekend and I am very excited. I love spending time curled up on the couch listening to the beautiful music of the MoTab and OATs and listening to the Prophet and Apostles speaking. I have a lot of questions that I am hoping get answered this weekend.

I have to say that I am VERY proud of Sarah Joelle Alvey. She is be so strong and handling Cody being gone so well. I am glad that she plays with me and that she can be happy still. It's good to have her back with me.

My two new roommates are weird. There is no way around it. That is me being nice about the situation as well, just ask Sarah or Jaimie. They don't really talk to me or Sarah and I don't know how to be around them. It is always terribly awkward. I think we are going to have a roommate meeting and hopefully things will go well after that. And I really hope they start help cleaning and picking up around the apartment, b/c I CANNOT stand it when it is a mess and I feel like I am the only one who cares about it being clean.

Also props to Sarah for making our blog super cute.

I LOVE my bookbinding class. I am almost finished with my first book and once I am I will put up pictures of it. I feel like this is something I will be doing the rest of my life. It makes me feel creative, even though I am really not. I also LOVE my modern dance class. I have made some friends in there and it is so fun to just dance around and do whatever. I also really like learning the combinations and feeling like I can dance.

Winter is coming and I am not excited. It is supposed to rain this weekend and it will only get worse. Although, I am excited to wear cute winter clothes, I am not excited to walk up the stair south of campus to school EVERY DAY. yeah...

Go BYU Cougars! Our football team is freaking boss this year. We are owning and I love it. Even as I write this we are KILLING the Aggies. I can't wait for next weeks homecoming game.

Well this was a random collection of my thoughts. Hope you enjoyed. If not, I don't really care. GO team.