Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today was drama all over the place. It all started when I got to my stats lab. There are some interesting characters in that section and apparently they are very adamant that they have a computer to sit at. My personal opinion is that most people at BYU are way too uptight and they need to loosen up. So there was basically a throw down in my stats lab. It was awesome. Then I went to work where most of the new people don't like me, so I was lonely until Guy finally showed up (Yes I have a friend whose name is Guy). Then while I was at work my sister came over to borrow my crock pot and my roommate almost didn't let her take because she thought it was my other roommate's crock pot. WTH. I was not happy. SO when I finally got home from work my roommate comes up to me and tells me that she was informed by my other roommate that my sister took her crock pot today. BS. Apparently her mom told her she bought her a crock pot, but she had never seen said crock pot. Whatevs. It is definitely my crockpot and this encounter made me not like my roommates even more. As if I needed any other reasons....
So that is the end of the drama. The rest of the day was AMAZING! When I got home and checked my email I found I had an email form one of my most favoritest people ever, Tyler Hatton. It was the BEST missionary email I have ever received. And then, the biggest news of all, I HAVE FOUND A MAJOR!!! I am so excited about this. It is Technology and Engineering Education and it is the If you have questions about it let me because I don't feel like explaining it right now. Just know that it is BYU's best kept secret major.

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