Wednesday, December 23, 2009


christmas-ified zac says
TWO days until christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's coming...

Sarah Jolioli's birthday! Her 21st to be exact. I hope you are all geting ready for this exciting landmark in her life. Maybe she will finally have people over to party this year.... ha, fat chance! Love you SJ and I am so excited for our birthday tradition! :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

dear marci

dear marci--
i made this for you.
sometime, when we're both home, we'll make better ones.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

a little too much fun with faceinhole

oh boys, no need to fight.
i'll take you both.

newest member of glee, duh.

just hanging with jack.

sorry, elena. i get the sweet necklace now.
oh, and your hot boyfriend.


this one's for you, caroline

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

twenty three.

christmas-ified zac says
23 days until christmas!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i like this one

so maybe we laugh harder than we should at this commercial.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

i still miss freshman year.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


so, its no secret that i absolutely hate when things that i like get really popular

case in point: twilight

yeah, i obsessed over twilight for a bit--like TWO YEARS AGO.
edward cullen was my dream man--like TWO YEARS AGO.
i wished vampires were real--like TWO YEARS AGO.

i hate it.
i hate everything about twilight.
i hate whiny whiny bella.
i hate angsty edward.
i hate fangirls.
and i especially hate when people say its better than harry potter.
like heck it is.

so i always hope that things that i like don't go mainstream.
and by mainstream, i mean like MAINSTREAM.
disgustingly, you-can't-go-anywhere-without-hearing-about-it mainstream.
i hate looking like a trend follower.

and i'm hoping and praying and crossing my fingers that the hunger games doesn't turn into the next twilight.
that girls don't start claiming to be on TEAM PEETA or TEAM GALE.
that girls don't turn into freak shows who only ever talk about peeta and how HOT he is
and that they don't make a TERRIBLE FREAKING MOVIE based on the book.

i WANT them to make a movie.
but if it ends up like the twilight movie
--and they pick an ugly guy to play peeta (like they did with edward)
--and they pick people who can't act at all (*ahem* KRISTEN STEWART)
i'm boycotting life.

my choice for peeta?
he IS peeta mellark.
mmhmmmmm yes please.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everywhere, Like such as...

I am in L.O.V.E. with Cory Monteith. There is nothing that can be done about it. I don't care that he is from Canada, I don't care that he is 7 years older than me, I don't care that he used to be a wal-mart greeter (Which reminds me, have you been to this website?).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

and then there were 3...

Jaimie Lyn got married! The day everyone had been waiting for finally arrived. Ginger and I drove with my friend Jenna to Arizona a couple days before the wedding, with many problems. We started out driving Gin's car but it started having problems between Panguitch and Beaver. So we had to get towed to Beaver and we ended up spending about 6 hours in Beaver, UT, which now has a special place in my heart. We drove back to Provo, got Jenna's car, and drove through the night to arrive in Az around 5 in the morning. The next day we picked up SJ from the airport and it was a party from then on out. Jaimie looked gorgeous, as she always does, and everything went well. So here's to the 3 of us left. Sarah waiting for her missionary, me considering going on a mission, and Ginger working hard at finishing school.

Also, I would like to say that I am VERY happy for Jaimie and Sean, but I do not like having my best friend get married.

Friday, August 14, 2009

at last.

sarah + marci = reunited.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's About Time to Fly Away

11 days until Ginger and I embark on an epic road trip
12 days until Sarah flies into Az
13 days until Jaimie Lyn Jones becomes Jaimie Lyn Tanner
29 days until school starts

Also my mom showed my this blog that I am slowly falling in love with.
you should definitely check it out. I love her photography section.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


8:00 pm, september 16, pleeeeease hurry your butt up.

you'll know where to find me that night.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Stupid people upset me

This week in the daily universe, the byu newspaper, there was a letter to the editor about modesty. The person writing the letter was of the opinion that byu should use uniforms and somehow this would magically fix all modesty problems. yeah. anyone else see that this would not in fact fix the modesty issue at byu? has this person never seen gossip girl? even though the kids of the upper east side have to wear uniforms they change them so they barely resemble the uniforms they started out as. and yes, i realize i just used gossip girl to back up my opinion. it is fine. the real issue is that the modesty rules are not ENFORCED. and until they are people are just going to keep dressing immodestly and breaking the honor code. trying to impose stricter rules is not going to fix anything. if people are breaking the rules we have now, why wouldn't they break different ones?

another letter to the editor talked about how the video games in the basement of the wilk in the bowling alley should be taken out as they depict killing LARGE game animals and this is just wrong because it is wrong to kill animals. the author then presented several examples of general authorities talking about killing SMALL animals, like birds. yeah, he was ridiculous. killing large animals for hunting and killing small animals for no reason are two completely different things! C'mon! it was during my lunch break, while everyone was reading the newspaper and discussing this particular letter that everyone discovered i own a rifle.

so people, please don't be stupid. or you will upset me. k, thanks.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Today, my girlfriend asked me if I was thinking aout marriage. I did not want to answer, so I tried to chew it over with twix. Time did not stop, and I ate it awkwardly. She just stared. MLIA

Today, my grandpa told me he had alzheimers. I've known about it for two years. MLIA

Today, I took a quiz on Facebook and it told me I am actually black. I looked at my skin and I was still white. MLIA

Today, I rode a plane home. There were no snakes on it. MLIA

Today, I was at the store and the store clerk said "If you need anything, I'm Jen." I didn't need anything. She was still Jen. MLIA.

Today, I decided to tan on the balcony. I took my top off and my neighbor came out and saw me. He's a guy. So am I. We greeted each other. MLIA

Today a Japanese person spoke to me in Japanese, but I don't speak Japanese. So I said "I don't speak Japanese". MLIA

Today I installed a program and it asked if I had read and agreed to the terms and conditions. I hadn't, but I clicked 'yes' anyway. The program didn't know I lied, and began to install. MLIA.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey remember that time...

When I found a human tooth, down on Delancey?

When I went and saw Mae, paid $5 to go to the acoustic performance after, sat like 4 feet away from dave and zach, and then met them and got pictures with them after the show?

When i went dress shopping with jaimie and her family and jaimie bought the 2nd dress she tried on, only after trying on about a bajillion and a half more dresses before going back for the second one?

When i got asked out on a date by a black man?

When i accepted the date with the black man?

When i got called to be the family home evening co-chair?

yeah those are seriously the only semi-exciting things going on in my life currently. sorry the update was boring but i figured it was time. Here are pictures from the mae concert. it was aMAEzing. fact.

Dave Elkins (I am a little bit in love. It is fine.)

Zach Gehring

Saturday, May 9, 2009

dear marci

i miss you making your bed at like 10:00 at night.

i miss you forcing me to look at pictures of small children on people's blogs.

i miss you always somehow needing to be in the bathroom at the exact time i am in the bathroom.

i miss the cody shrine.

i miss you storming into the room in a huff, usually saying something like "can we talk about [insert dramatic topic here]?"

i miss laying in bed on sunday morning telling myself that i will get up and get ready for church if you get up--even though you're thinking the exact same thing about me.

i miss spontaneous lady gaga dance parties.

i miss pretending to know who you're talking about when you're trying to tell me important ward gossip.

i miss you telling me that my eyebrows look terrible.

i miss trying to figure out whose turn it is to buy milk and toilet paper.

i miss you getting up and walking across the room just to tell me something that you could have easily told me from where you had been.

i miss you trying to make me go to ward prayer and i miss coming up with excuses not to go.
i miss winning that battle.

i miss you saying things like "i'm not very good at drawing poinsettias" or "get on my bed."

i miss you answering every text or phone call, no matter what time it is.

i miss being able to tell when you're out on the gk because i can hear your laugh over every other noise.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Dear Sarah-

I am still failing at trying to keep the room clean
Orlando Bloom misses you
I don't miss the cody shrine
Quote wall makes me smile/laugh every time i pass it (he puts the ho in homosexual...)
I miss Lady Gaga dance parties
I miss laying on the floor laughing our heads off at the most ridiculous things
I miss your random seductive looks/dance moves
I miss pouncing on you while you are trying to go to bed
I miss you obsessively checking the mail
I miss computer parties/fbook stalking together
I miss telling you all the ward gossip and you not knowing who anyone is that I am talking about
I miss lazy saturdays with you
I miss sharing cafe nachos with you (even though this could be the reason i have mono)
I miss Jamba visits, distracting you form work
I miss gossip girl texts
I miss pillow talk
I miss pretending to be asleep while waiting for you to wake up for church
I miss your FLAMING red hair :)
I miss your lost obsession
Are you, are you falling for me?
Please come back to provo soon, I am so so so bored without you constantly here with me. I even miss you being on fbook all the time. Also please don't even leave me alone for a whole summer ever again. thanks.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

epic. and a half.

why don't i ever get the memo about things like this?

HEY PEOPLE WHO ARE IN CHARGE. i want in. bitte?

Thank goodness....

I was raised the way I was, by my fantastic parents. I like to think that it is going to help prevent me from becoming like the lady at Applebee's. Alison, Jaimie, Kate, and I went to Applebee's for Jaimie's birthday this past weekend. After hitting up Old Navy we were waiting for our name to be called and there was this ridiculous couple behind us. They were all over each other, kissing and making out and all sorts of gross things like that. Here is a little sneak peak into the conversations they were having:

Leathery, orange looking lady: So how many tattoos do you have?
Slightly creepy looking man: 3. This one on my arm(Lifts up sleeve to show here the tattoo), one on my back, (And then i didn't hear where the other one was. I am considering that to be a blessing.)
Leathery Lady: How do you feel about piercings?
I am not sure of the mans response, but after he responded she proceeded to tell him about all the piercings she has, and the piercings she used to have including, but not limited to:
Nose piercing
Tongue Piercing - which apparently she had to take out when she had her child
Nipple piercing - no i am not making this up

Slightly creepy man: I'm graduating in 2 weeks - I would like to point out that this was not a young man. Not sure what he was doing with his life up till now but good for you for finishing college!
Leathery lady: REALLY?!?

SERIOUSLY?!?!?! They are on a date and all over each other and they know like NOTHING about each other. Sick sick sick.

So I just want to thank my parents for raising me how they did so I will not wake up one day and find myself in this position.

1 day of classes left!
Less than 2 weeks until Jaimie and I are roommates! Yes Sarah, I will miss you, don't worry.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hey Brother...

So I realize that this is a blog that Sarah and I share, but I have been wanting to blog about my brother since his birthday last month so here it is! He is the brother closest to me in age and I have always wanted to be his friend, even when he was mean to me. I love being in college with him now as he sometimes actually lets me be his friend. Isn't he so nice! So in honor of mitchell here are some of my favorite memories, and pictures, of him!

When he came to BYU right after graduating we didn't really talk all that much. He didn't have a cell phone and he never called home. But he would send me ridiculous pictures of the things he would do. This is from when he let some girls in his ward straighten his hair and then dress him up like he was emo and take a bunch of pictures.

Also, when Mitchell had about 10-6 months left on his mission I started writing him a lot more. And it was so great! He was full of great little stories from college and lots and lots of advice, which i appreciated. Also he would send me awesome pictures, like this one!

Now that we are at college together sometimes I get to play with him, which I LOVE. And sometimes he even lets me take pictures with him. But never showing his face. That would be too much. :)

Basically I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU MITCHELL! Thanks for being such a great brother!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

its like heaven on earth. greasy, fattening heaven

i do not understand how the church functions out here without steak n shake. seriously.
back home, trips to steak n shake after any church function (except the ones on sundays) were a MUST. stake dances, saturday evening stake conference sessions, youth conference, institute, mutual, mormon prom. what do people do out here after church events?

i realize that there are other restaurants out here that are probably the equivalent, but i seriously pity all of you who don't have steak n shakes. i went there almost every week that i went to institute this summer. frisco melt, fries, and a chocolate/strawberry side-by-side milkshake. yum.

and i know that it might look like/sound like some kind of sketchy eating establishment, but you have to give it a chance. (and no, ginger, the one in elkhart, indiana does NOT count) its greasy, its ridiculously unhealthy, but its DELICIOUS.

its also the place where brady was first called the BLR
thumbs up for steak n shake

and you can get sweet free hats like the one naoto is wearing in this picture

christmas break 2007. see? its a must

i apologize that these are all of brady, but he's a camera magnet. this was after some church dance, most likely.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why I hate illegal aliens....

So I decided to take a day off from life today, meaning I didn't go to class. Probably not the best idea, but necessary every once in awhile. So after I slept in and watched a couple of episode of Lost (yes i have started watching that, and no, I don't want to talk about it) I decided that my house is kind of disgusting. It needed some major attention. So I rolled up my pajama pants and busted out the cleaning supplies. And the only room that got cleaned was the bathroom. But that is a dang clean bathroom. But you might be wondering what this has to do with illegal aliens. I am getting there. In the middle of my cleaning spree I got a phone call from my mom asking me for my social security number. Long story short there is an illegal alien in California that is trying to use my social security number to get a drivers license. WHAT THE HELL. Go back to Mexico and leave me alone! Let's just say I was ticked. So now I have to call this guy that is investigating the situation and answer questions proving that I don't know this "Miguel" character. fantastic. So that folks, is why I am not a fan of illegal aliens. Okay, maybe that's not the only reason, but that is a discussion for another day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i'm LOST

yes, its true. i've gone and gotten myself addicted to LOST. i have effectively doomed myself to spending any and all free time i have to laying around in my bed, catching up on all the old seasons. i started watching season 1 last week and am about four episodes away from finishing it. holy crap.

its a good show. i really like all of the characters. but some of the episodes really creep me out for some reason. supernatural stuff scares the living daylights out of me. especially supernatural stuff on an island that you can't get away from. um, hello, creepy!? i think so. i can't bring myself to stop watching it though. i am addicted after all.

also, i am in love with matthew fox's character. jack shepherd. mmmmm. :]

and evangeline lilly is GORGEOUS.
and its nice to see dominic monaghan as something other than a hobbit.

Monday, March 9, 2009


This week very well may be the death of me. I am so stressed out and I have so much to do. Not good. It took me about 2 hours to get to sleep last night and then once I got to sleep I had stressful dreams. I dreamed that I was at home in Az and I was packing to come back to Utah. But no matter what I did I could not pack in time to make it to the airport for my flight. I was running around my house trying to gather all my stuff and I couldn't beat the clock. I was so anxious and that did not help me sleep at all. So basically I am really tired and have a ton of crap to do today. Oh joy. Also I hate secrets. This is a lie. But they can also be stressful. Especially when you want to be able to tell people or talk to people about it but you can't just yet. Timing is everything. But in the meantime I have to constantly watch what I say around people and it gets hard. Particularly when some people know and others don't. So you have to remember who knows and who doesn't. Yeah, frustrating.
In happy news I got to hang out with some friends from high school last night and it was amazing! Jenna had her birthday party last night and it was so good. I got to see Willi and Kylie and Jenna and I have not seen them in a ling time. It was nice to reminisce about our high school adventures. We also came up with two words to describe each of us and I think that was my favorite part of the evening. We decided that Jaimie is a ridiculous punk and the words chosen for me were compassionately feisty... yeah I'll take it! Anyway, life is good regardless of how stressed I am. I have some decisions to make here pretty soon and I don't want to.

Monday, March 2, 2009

for your entertainment...

marci is not only a match maker and everyone's go-to girl for relationship advice, but she is also an exterminator. ladies and gents, i present to you, MARCI THE WASP SLAYER

there was a wasp--or something that looked mysteriously like one--in our bedroom. so marci rolled up her sleeves, grabbed a wall street journal (yes, we have those lying around our apartment--feel free to be impressed), and [eventually] killed the thing. i was on camera and clean-up duty.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life and Times

Well, I decided it had been far too long since I had last blogged, so here we go!

1. It is now February
2. Valentines day was last week and was amazing. Seriously.
It included a movie with Jaimie and Brooke, my first trip to taco time, Laura and Whitney's AWESOME V-Day Party, and playing with Ginger! So good!
3. I went on a date on friday. I know you are all shocked. And HE asked ME out. Will wonders never cease.
4. I visited Ely for my cousins wedding open house. I just love that little town.
5. Mi Madre and Padre came to visit and fed me. A LOT.
6. I am ready to start making my cedar chest in woodshop. Which is actually going to be made out of oak... whatevs.
7. Free dinner from Costa Vida is my favorite! Yes I had that for dinner tonight. Be jealous.
8. I am in LOVE with the $5 shade fund raiser sale thing. Fantastic
9. I love love love my major. Especially when have parties, much like the one at Chaela's house a few weeks back. And I love Chaela and her and Sydney's obsession with Karaoke.
Here are some pictures, hope you enjoy and sorry this was not all that exciting!


Chaela McDonald as Joshua James

and it is not letting me add more pictures right now so whatevs. peace out

Saturday, January 31, 2009

um, really?

ok, seeing a dog on a leash is typical. seeing a kid on a leash isn't quite unheard of, but it still makes you question either what kind of demon wild child has to be held back by a leash or what kinds of parenting skills their parents have. but seeing a CAT ON A LEASH!?

A CAT!!?!?

i kid you not. i was walking past the duck pond south of campus today and there were a few couples here and there (since, of course, a duck pond is such a hot spot for couples to go and have a romantic moment...i am proud to say that i have not had any romantic moments at the duck pond). one couple was feeding the ducks, another was just walking around, and another couple was walking their dog.

or so i thought.

the more i watched the little light brown dog, the more i realized how un-dog-like it seemed. it just kind of sat there, on a leash, in between some of these trees. and the fact that it kept staring up one of the trees really confused me. i mean, dogs don't look up trees. they pee on trees.

then the 'dog' decided that it wanted to try and climb the tree. that was when i realized that this was no dog. it was a freaking CAT. on a LEASH. this couple was taking their cat for a walk!

seriously people? SERIOUSLY? its a stinking cat. putting a cat on a leash is like eating sunscreen. you just don't do it!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I found this gem on a friends blog. And I am a big fan.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Life Lately

M Here.
Well folks, I am 20. I finally left my teenage years on thursday january 22nd. WOOHOO!!! SO now it is time to party. In fact, tonight I am having my birthday party. You are all invited. So i feel like a lot of things have happened just in this past week so this post will be a little scatter brained as i try to put it all in here. Sunday Gin made a delicious birthday dinner for me. It consisted of homemade pizza and a delicious cake with all the gossip girl characters on it. She also gave me some amazing presents. She is too good to me. I was super busy all week with school and it finally got to me and I had a break down on wednesday. Thank goodness that is over. Now for the day I know you all really care about.
Okay, so I went to work that morning for a couple hours and then decided that I didn't want to be there anymore, although everyone was being very nice to me on account of it being birthday. So I came home, except I didn't have my key with me, so yeah, I was locked out. So I went and played with Jaimie for a couple hours before I had to go to class. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait until I live with that girl. Then I went to woodshop, which I am taking because I have to for my major. And in the process of trying to make a dovetail, I managed to sand half of my finger off. Okay so it wasn't half of my finger but it was painful and there was blood. Then I came home and some of my friends came over to see me, which was very kind of them. Then I went downstairs and watched some gossip girl with Dede and Betsy. Then I went to bed. It was a great day and I am so thankful for my great friends who made it such a great day! I think that is all of the important stuff. Sorry if this post bored you but it is my birthday week so I get to do whatever I want! :)

Weird things I saw on campus yesterday:
3 people wearing sunglasses (it was rainy and overcast...)
And one of then was wearing sunglasses in class...
A kid wearing a fanny pack on the library...
A kid taking the library tour and taking pictures of all the different rooms he went into,
maybe he was trying to figure out where the pretty girls studied....

Well peace out! I have to go get ready to go to park city to star gaze :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

i am a slacker

wow, i have been shirking in my blogging duties, that's for sure.
forgive me, please? kthanks.

to make up for it, i will now fill out a survey.
because that's what i do best.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line 4. "Hamlet: Armed, say you?" i look so smart because its hamlet. yeah, i go to college. and i'm reading hamlet. boo-yah.
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What's there? a water bottle.
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? the office. although i did have to laugh at andy pushing dwight into the bushes with his prius. classy.
4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 10:05 pm.
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 10:11...not too shabby.
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? just want you to know - backstreet boys
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? eh, like 30 minutes ago and i was walking home from ginger's.
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? my blog.
9. What are you wearing? black shorts, front row fanatics t-shirt and some socks. thrilling.
10. Did you dream last night? yes, but i don't remember.
11. When did you last laugh? like five minutes ago?
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? lots of pictures, assorted posters, christmas lights.
13. Seen anything weird lately? probably. i go to byu.
14. What do you think of this quiz? ugh.
15. What is the last film you saw? bride wars with the MGs. hooray!
16.If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? my way through college, hahaha. then a house and some clothes. and a time machine.
17. Tell me something about you that I don't know: no.
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? this question is too deep for my puny little mind.
19. Do you like to dance? um, YES. next question.
20. George Bush: is a great man.
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? shoot, i hate this question, because i always change my mind. i like riley.
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? ditto this question. but not riley, haha.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad? nahh. i like it here.
24. What do you want to say to God when you reach the pearly gates? um, hi?
25. Have you ever made out in a bathroom? nope, surprisingly.
26. Who was the last person to call you? probably my mom.
27. What is the last beverage you had? milk.
28. When is the last time you cried? probably this past weekend. i was just missing that boy.
29. Are you scared of spiders? yes.
30. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i wish i could say no, but honestly, i probably would. as long as i could just zoom right back to the future, haha.
31. What are your plans for this weekend? let's, sleep in. more work. grocery shopping hopefully. HOW EXCITING AM I!?
32. Ever been swimming in a lake or river? of course.
33. Last person you drove with in a car? probably ginger.
34. What did you last buy? a donut this morning. cut me some slack, haha. i was starving.
35.What’s irritating you right now? homework/school.
36. What radio station(s) do you listen to? none. who listens to the radio?
37. Are you afraid of the dark? yes. i can admit it.
38. Do you like Chinese food? when i'm in the right mood. which isn't right now. so don't go springing chinese food on me right now.
39. Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? eh, maybe.
40. Do you get distracted easily? yes yes and um, YES.
41. Was this the best year of your life? 2008? best and worst. 2007 was pretty good too though.
42. Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive.
43. Are you jealous of someone? nope.
44. What last made you laugh the hardest? either cody's videos or the office. probably cody.
45. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying? honestly, no.
46. Who was the last person you cried in front of? um, marci, i think. but that was like over a month ago.
47. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? um, yes. but whatevs, that's over and done.
48. What did you do yesterday? class, finished up TSA things, more class, work, nothing.
49. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends.
50. Believe in love at first sight? no.

other updates:
*my application to the mckay school of education is in. cross your fingers for me!
*cody's 4 month mark is a week from saturday
*i need to start making more money
*is this semester over yet?
*september 29, 2010 is the big day (ok not THE big day...but A very big, monumental day)
*it seems like EVERYONE is engaged

*ergo, i hate everyone
*i want chocolate pudding

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reasons Why SkyHarbor is the best airport

1. FREE Wireless Internet
How I am bloggin at this very moment
2. Friendly Security People
They were so nice, joking with me. And they weren't all uptight about checking my boarding pass and I.D. Also they did not make awkward comments about my license picture...
3. It is in Arizona
Which everyone knows is the best state. Ever.
4. The people watching is SPECTACULAR
The man sitting across form me has suspiciously shiny nails... manscaping anyone?
5. I always see someone I know
Currently I see 2 people I know, and at least 4 others that I know for a fact are going back to BYU. The BYU clothing kind of gives it away...

Really SkyHarbor airport is THE BEST. If you don't agree with me after reading this post, something is seriously wrong with you and you should see a doctor. And in 3ish hours I will be back in the bubble. Wish me luck!